Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Do E-Cigs Undermine Tobacco Control?

Do E-Cigs Undermine Tobacco Control?

Tobacco control is a field of public health science that have a policy specifically dedicated to addressing theNewsissue of tobacco and the negative way it impacts the human race. This is one of the biggest priorities for the World Health Organization and is closely monitored. They study the impacts that tobacco has on the economy, health, environment, society, and the population. With e-cigarettes being so popular these days, many experts believe that their invention has undermined the work that tobacco control has done over the years.

Experts believe that even though e-cigs do not contain some of the toxicities that typical cigarettes contain such as tar and smoke, there is no official documented proof that the e-cig should be used as a method to quit smoking. These same experts believe that they still contain nicotine which can still cause health problems such as cardiovascular and other diseases as well as illnesses. The e-cig manufacturing industry has been rapidly evolving and expanding and has become a $3 billion industry.

Individuals who have fought countlessly to keep the world informed of the dangers of cigarette smoking feel that promoting electronic cigarettes as a tool to help people quit smoking is causing more harm than good. People who have smoked many years and who have become severely addicted to nicotine find the e-cig unhelpful as it also contains nicotine. This is not helping eliminate their addiction but simply feeding it with exactly what they are trying to get rid of. Electronic cigarettes and similar products such as electronic cigars use a device that contains glycerol, nicotine, and specific flavours.

Experts believe that e-cigarettes should be regulated and not be defined as a product that can assist in a person’s health or help a person to quit smoking. As with cigarettes, many individuals feel that it would be best to regulate the marketing and promotion of e-cigs so consumers fully comprehend its benefits as well as its pit falls.

Electronic cigarettes and electronic cigars are very popular but may not be the best for your health, according to some. The individuals who have worked very hard to make sure people understand the negative impacts tobacco has on an individual and feel the same should be done for e-cigarettes. Knowing all of the facts can help people make the proper decisions based on their own circumstances for we are all different.

Do E-Cigs Undermine Tobacco Control?

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