Saturday, 11 April 2015


E-Pipes are All the Rage

E-PIPESThe day of the electronic cigarette has made its way into the world and has significantly changed the way people smoke cigarettes. There are many different types of e-cigs but why not take it a step further, they are saving millions of lives after all. E-pipes are similar to the cigarette but pipes are considered to be much safer than smoking regular cigarettes. So why is pipe smoking considered to be less hazardous than smoking cigarettes or cigars?

It has been discovered that smoking pipes can significantly reduce many of the health risks that are involved in everyday smoking. Smoking a pipe as well as e-pipes can decrease some of the factors that make smoking so addictive. Someone who smokes regularly would have a significantly less chance of getting cancer. It would cut down their chances by 94%. So why is that? It is because of the tobacco that is used in pipes has no additives which creates less of a healthy risk for consumers. Which would make using an electronic pipe even more beneficial for those who enjoy smoking pipes.

E-PIPESAn electronic pipe is a much cleaner way to enjoy your pipe. An e-pipe kit typically comes with a bowl, stem mouthpieces, disposable cartridges and rechargeable batteries as well as a wall charger for easier ability to re-charge. When you smoke your pipe you would be smoking vapor that comes in a number of different flavours such as mint, cherry, coffee, vanilla, and many others. You can find out more about e-pipes at this UK-based website.

What is amazing about this product is that it is even healthier for you than your typical tobacco based pipe and can be smoked just about anywhere. These pipes will still provide individuals with the same enjoyment and stress-relief as the typical pipe but is even safer for the consumer to use. If you are looking to find out more information about e-pipes and how they work then Evaper8 in the UK can answer your questions and you can browse their site to find out more about the product.

The more you know about how electronic pipes with vapor work the easier it will be to make a decision on whether or not you should switch to vapor products. You can still enjoy the perks of the pipe without having to keep tobacco on hand on a regular basis.


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