Monday, 4 February 2013

Phương Thanh Hóa Thân Thành Alisha Chinoy - Guong Mat Than Quen 2013 - Tap 5 [Full]

Make big money from home by starting a home based business through offering goods or services that find a niche in the consumer market. Whether through Internet marketing or real world exchanges, it is possible to make easy money at home with some smart planning and high motivation. One of the most significant keys to finding the right business to operate from the house is to know what gifts, talents or expertise an individual can bring to the table of ideas. It can be something that may seem insignificant to anyone else, but may be the very thing that will ignite a whole concept for business success. “Commit they works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established.” (Proverbs 16:3) Service areas are a good place to start when considering the best idea for a business. Providing help in areas that are generally regarded as time consuming or less appealing but necessary, have a great chance of becoming a successful service business that can make big money from home. The service may be something that almost everyone can do and does not require any particular expertise except to do it very, very well. Service businesses such as cleaning, car detailing, and lawn care are relatively common business ideas that have no trouble succeeding if performed better than average. In today’s busy culture, a house cleaning business can be started with relatively little upfront costs and can mature into a booming, multi staff company.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

DermTV - New Filler Injection Technique for Fine Lines [ Epi #332]

2010 wasn’t the best year for fillers. Allergen, the only producer of bovine and human collagen, stopped producing both based solely on a business decision (not based on efficacy). This meant that there weren’t any great fillers for fine lines left… Until recently. In this episode of DermTV, Dr. Schultz discusses the new advances in filler injection techniques that now enable certain fillers to treat the fine lines collagen used to. Connect with DermTV Everyone can have beautiful, healthy, and younger looking skin, and DermTV, the Internet’s daily skincare video show, will demonstrate how by revealing expert tips and techniques and by providing real solutions for real skincare issues. Skincare (whether cosmetic or medical) previously required a trip to your dermatologist or a shopping spree at the pharmacy. And that’s if you have a trusted nearby dermatologist or a local informed pharmacy. But not anymore. We at DermTV are committed to making best-in-class dermatology and skincare guidance accessible to everyone, anytime, at your computer. Every weekday, our host, Dr. Neal Schultz, one of New York’s most trusted and respected dermatologists (see bio below), teaches skincare’s most timely and timeless issues. Topics include: the best at home techniques and new technology for facial rejuvenation, preventing and fixing sun damage from wrinkles to skin cancer, breaking news in dermatology, general skincare topics, and more.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Phương Thanh Hóa Thân Thành Alisha Chinoy - Guong Mat Than Quen 2013 - Tap 5 [Full]

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