”Mort” is a black comedy set in a small country town in rural New South Wales, which offers us a glimpse into the world of Newheimer Funerals, and its chief proprietor Morton Newheimer. Having recently inherited the once upstanding business from his deceased parents following a tragic incident, Mort and his younger brother James endeavour to uphold the family’s once proud name in the town but find that their level of debt far outweighs the number of newly deceased. Following an embarrassing incident at a funeral, Mort is left no choice but to fire James who proceeds to embark on a homicidal rampage. Mort soon realises his brothers slayings can provide business for the funeral home, and therefore, allow him to meet his debts and provide for his family. They soon become trapped in a cycle of murder for profit and when a detective comes down from the city to investigate they become tangled in a ring of deceit, greed and corruption, which promises to swallow the town up whole. MOVIE EXTRA WebFest - Mort
”Mort” is a black comedy set in a small country town in rural New South Wales, which offers us a glimpse into the world of Newheimer Funerals, and its chief proprietor Morton Newheimer. Having recently inherited the once upstanding business from his deceased parents following a tragic incident, Mort and his younger brother James endeavour to uphold the family’s once proud name in the town but find that their level of debt far outweighs the number of newly deceased. Following an embarrassing incident at a funeral, Mort is left no choice but to fire James who proceeds to embark on a homicidal rampage. Mort soon realises his brothers slayings can provide business for the funeral home, and therefore, allow him to meet his debts and provide for his family. They soon become trapped in a cycle of murder for profit and when a detective comes down from the city to investigate they become tangled in a ring of deceit, greed and corruption, which promises to swallow the town up whole.
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