Sunday, 14 October 2012

As an online merchant looking to use affiliate marketing networks, do you get to choose your channel?

Question by Pissed off and Pissed On: As an online merchant looking to use affiliate marketing networks, do you get to choose your channel?

I am researching online affiliate marketing. Say I am looking to sell something online. Let’s also say I want to leverage affiliate marketing networks to advertise my product. As the merchant, is it common to have the ability to choose which type of advertising channel you are marketed to or is it more like a shotgun blast across the internet?

Or is it the other way around… do the affiliates choose what is eventually advertised by their site?

Best answer:

Answer by rowebi1
You can promote your affiliate product to the niche market that you are targeting. But that is usually separate from an affiliate network such as Clickbank or Paydotcom. But when setting up your account, I believe you can specify a target audience.

Once you have your affiliate site set up and start promoting it, those that have an interest in the product or service will sign up. Both of the sites mentioned above let you search for product you may want to sell as an affiliate so that is another source.

Best of success,


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As an online merchant looking to use affiliate marketing networks, do you get to choose your channel?

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